What a lovely weekend it was weather wise!
It was so nice that it inspired my partner and me to walk Orakei Basin as we do once a month on average.
As we approached the entry/exit point, I suggested that we take a new approach to what we normally do and so we entered through the exit and walked anti clockwise.
We have never taken the walk from this approach and it was like a new track, the aspect changed, the view changed and we noticed differences in the inclines and declines, in summary it was like walking a new track!
As we walked to have a coffee afterward, we both commented that it was a very enjoyable walk, which felt different and it seemed to take less time!
We both found this enlightening and agreed that mixing up the same actions in our personal and working environment can result in freshness of mind and drive a new enthusiasm to the same task.
The question I have for you is, in these challenging times, what can you do in your business to keep it fresh and exciting for you and your staff whilst getting the same or better results?
Get in touch today to help keep your business fresh.
Written by John Francis - Prime Strategies Business Advisor